Brow Lift & Forehead Lift

(Brow and Forehead surgery)

Brow and Forehead Ageing

The eyebrow and forehead play an important role in communicating emotion to those around us through facial expression. An appreciation of brow position and its effect on the facial aesthetic is, therefore, an important part of the facial analysis. The brow may become heavy and droop with ageing (brow ptosis) contributing to an undesired tired or angry appearance. The changes in brow position which occur with ageing should be considered in all patients seeking facial rejuvenation, particularly those undergoing upper eyelid surgery. Here the concurrent management of the brow and upper lid may be necessary to maximise the cosmetic results.

Forehead & Brow Lift – Types of Surgery

Brow and/or forehead surgery can be performed with a variety of techniques all of which have a role in certain circumstances:

  • 1) Direct brow lift – the incision is placed just above eyebrow
  • 2) Midforehead lift – incisions placed in naturally occurring forehead skin creases
  • 3) Trichophytic forehead lift – incision at the hairline
  • 4) Coronal forehead lift – incision placed further back behind the hairline

An endoscope (video camera) is also often utilised in brow lift surgery to allow for smaller incisions and clearer visualisation of the important anatomy in this region.

How these techniques are deployed in female and male patients varies. In addition to adjustments to the height of the brow, changes made to the contour of the eyebrow must also be carefully controlled. To achieve natural results when performing surgery in this region Dr Cleland employs techniques which improve the tone of the forehead skin whilst only causing subtle changes in brow position.

Many patients are unsure if this region needs to be addressed surgically either alone or in combination with another procedure such as an eyelid lift and/or a facelift. Dr Cleland will be happy to discuss these details with you further at the time of your appointment.